  • Our journey with health begins with our roots - the places where with live, work, learn and play.

Our roots – while complex and unique – are deeply connected to our environments. The work of public health lies here – in improving the environments where health begins and ensuring that regardless of where one’s roots lie, the conditions of their environment afford all people the opportunity to grow and flourish.

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Stories From the Field

In order for communities to thrive, we must understand the impacts that historical factors and social and economic barriers play in shaping the environments where our health begins.

We must also have a place to dream.

If we hope for the fruit of our field to be abundance, equity and the regeneration of diverse communities, how else might we reenvision and sustain thriving environments? What does a Colorado look like where the conditions of our environments are such that all people have the opportunity to bloom?

Reflections from Colorado’s 2024 Public Health Roundtable on Firearm-Related Harm and Violence Prevention

More Than Just Another Meeting Take-aways from Jonathan McMillan, Trailhead's Director of Firearm-Related Harm and Violence Prevention Over [...]

Like all things in nature, we share a basic need for clean air, water, nourishment, shelter,
reproduction, safety and belonging.

These fundamental needs lay the groundwork for what makes us well. The resources included here address the basic needs of our roots that fuel our journey to health. They also serve to support public health workers and organizations in serving their communities.

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This is a place to bring ideas about improving the environments around us that will lead to healthier communities. This is a collaborative space to dream, illuminate and envision the future of public health in Colorado. If you have resources, stories or innovative ideas you’d like to feature on Trailhead’s blog, please reach out to us here.

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