Stories of Regional Health Connector Impact
Turning Our “Why” Into Action for Colorado Communities
Addressing Local Health Priorities
Regional Health Connectors live in the communities they serve, providing them first-hand knowledge of local priorities and the drive to create lasting change to improve health. These featured stories of Regional Health Connector impact demonstrate the powerful change RHCs make in their communities.
Measuring Regional Health Connector Impact
Prepared by Colorado Health Institute, Published August 2019, Updated May 2021
This report from the Colorado Health Institute (CHI) outlines findings from a social network analysis conducted to understand how partner organizations within RHC networks work with both the RHCs and one another. Two PARTNER surveys conducted in November of 2017 and November of 2018 gathered survey responses from nearly 500 organizational partners, providing insights into the complexity of networks across the state, the role played by RHCs in developing these networks, and what has changed since 2017.
Prepared by CU Anschutz Practice Innovation Program & Trailhead Institute, Published April 2021
Beginning in April 2020 as the impacts of COVID-19 increased across the state, the RHC evaluation team began surveying RHCs on a regular basis to understand how their work as a critical workforce in this area has been affected by and responded to the pandemic. Conducted through December 2020, the results of this survey come from the RHC workforce across the 21 Colorado Health Statistics Regions.
Prepared by Trailhead Institute, Published September 2022
In 2021, the program received funding through Colorado Senate Bill 137 to improve behavioral and mental healthcare systems. Each RHC conducted a local needs assessment of their Region by analyzing national, state, and local data to identify priority gaps in behavioral and mental health services. Based on this data, the RHCs proposed projects intended to address these priority gaps and improve health equity using local knowledge, services, and assets. They are supported in these efforts by their local host organizations and community partners.
Prepared by Trailhead Institute, Published July 2021
As the Regional Health Connector program enters its fifth year of statewide operation, this five-year milestone report reflects upon the impact that RHCs have made in communities across the state by ensuring that the right systems and clinical and community-based resources are in place to help all people living in Colorado live their healthiest lives.